
刘发林  教授


  • 1980-1985 清华大学无线电系,学士

  • 1985-1988 中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系,研究生

  • 1988-至今 中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系,教师

  • 2019-至今 中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系和永利69193com,教师  



  • Tao Ni, Falin Liu, “A New Impedance Match Method to improve efficiency of LINK with Chireix Combiner,”  Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol 52, No. 6, pp1418-1421, Jun. 2010.

  • Tao Mei, Jinlian Guo, Xian-Sheng Hua, Falin Liu, AdOn: toward contextual overlay in-video advertising,” Multimedia Systems, Vol 16. No 4-5. pp335-344, Aug. 2010.

  • Y. Ding, Y.X. Guo and F.L. Liu, “High Efficiency Concurrent Dual Band Class-F and Inverse Class-F Power Amplifier,” Electronics Letters, 47(15), pp847-849, Jul. 2011.

  • 尤览,丁瑶,杨光,刘发林,“采用寄生补偿的高效率逆F类GaN HEMT功率放大器,”《微波学报》,27卷5期,pp50-54, 2011年10月。

  • M. S. Chen, F. L. Liu, H. M. Du, and X. L. Wu, “Compressive Sensing for Fast Analysis of Wide-Angle Monostatic Scattering Problems,” IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, 10, pp1243-1246, Nov. 2011.

  • Yao Ding, Yong-Xin Guo, Lan You, and Fa-Lin Liu, “Concurrent Dual Band Class F Power Amplifier with Novel Harmonic Control Network,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol 54, No. 3, pp707-711, Mar. 2012.

  • Guang Yang, Wei Liu, Falin Liu, “A Cross-coupled Double Folded Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter With Novel Coupling Structures,” International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology(ICMMT 2012), No. 7AO1-4,  Shenzhen, May, 2012.

  • Sheng Zhang, Tian-Jian Bian, Yao Zhai, Wei Liu, Guang Yang and Fa-Lin Liu, “Quarter Substrate Integrated Waveguide Resonator Applied to Fractal-Shaped BPFs,” Microwave Journal, Vol. 55, No. 5, pp200-208 , May 2012.

  • 朱志臻,张志达,刘发林,李滨兵,周崇彬,“基于压缩感知的线状目标一维距离成像,”《电子与信息学报》,35卷3期,pp568-574,2013年3月。

  • Zuxue Xia, Falin Liu,  “Dual-Band BandPass Filters Using SIRs with Open-Stub Line and Zero-Degree Feed Structure,”  IEEE IWS 2013, Beijing, China, April 2013.

  • Guang Yang, Falin Liu, Lingli Li, Haoyu Wang, Caihong Zhao, Zhenyang Wang, “2D Orthogonal Polynomials for Concurrent Dual-Band Digital Predistortion,” IEEE IMS2013, Seattle, USA, June 2013.

  • Guang Yang, Wei Liu, Falin Liu, “Two new electric coupling structures for double folded substrate integrated waveguide cavity filters with transmission zeros,”  Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 55(8), pp1815-1818, Aug. 2013.

  • 刘发林,王昊禹,杨光,李刚,“欠采样数字预失真,”《微波学报》,29卷5-6期,pp81-85, 2013年10月。

  • Wei Liu, Zhi Ning Chen, Terence Shie Ping See, and Falin Liu, “SIW-Slot-Fed Thin Beam-Squint-Free Fabry-Pérot Cavity Antenna with Low Backlobe Levels,” IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, 13, pp552-554, Mar. 2014.

  • 朱志臻,周崇彬,刘发林,李滨兵,张志达,“用于压缩感知的二值化测量矩阵,”《微波学报》,已录用2013年10月。30卷2期,pp79-83,96,2014年4月。

  • Guang Yang, Falin Liu, Caihong Zhao, Zhenyang Wang, Lingli Li, Haoyu Wang,  “Frequency Domain Data Based Model Extraction for Band-Limited Digital Predistortion of Wideband RF Power Amplifiers”, Int’l Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 24(3), pp412-420, May 2014.

  • Guang Yang, Haoyu Wang, Lingli, Li, Falin Liu, “One-step model extraction method for direct learning digital predistortion,” Electronics Letters,50(15), pp1148-1150, Jul 2014.

  • Hongyu Tu, Lei Peng, Huiyun Li, Falin Liu, “GSPR-MV: a Routing Protocol Based on Motion Vector  for VANET,” 12th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, pp2354-2359, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 2014.

  • Zhenyang Wang, Falin Liu, Haoyu Wang “Broadband High Efficiency Power Amplifier With Harmonic Suppression Based on Load-Pull Technique, ” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 57(2), pp481-485, Feb. 2015.

  • Haoyu Wang, Falin Liu, Wei Tao and Gang Li, “One-step extracting optimal normalization gain for digital predistortion linearization, ” Electronics Letters, 51(6), pp514-516, Apr. 2015.

  • 夏祖学,刘发林,陈俊学,尚丽平,邓琥,熊亮,“偶极子光电导天线结构对THz辐射特性影响的研究,”《红外与激光工程》。44卷8期,pp2429-2434,2015年08月。

  • Wei Tao, Haoyu Wang, Chongbin Zhou, Gang Li, Falin Liu, “Random Demodulation Based Reduced Sampling Rate Method for Wideband Digital Predistortion, ” Asia Pacific Microwave Conference(APMC)2015, TU2C, Nanjing, China, Dec. 2015.

  • 周崇彬,刘发林,李博,“基于压缩感知的单比特合成孔径雷达成像算法的研究,”《微波学报》,31卷6期,pp71-77,2015年12月。

  • Chongbin Zhou1,2,Zhida Zhang1,2, Falin Liu1,2, “Robust 1-bit Compressive Sensing via Variational Bayesian Algorithm,” Digital Signal Processing, 50(2016), pp84-92, Mar. 2016.

  • Sheng Zhang, Xue-Dong Fu, Ting Wang, Fa-Lin Liu, Hai-Ting Wang and Hai Liu, “Quasi Quarter SIW-Mode Resonator and Its Application to Sierpinski Fractal Filter Design,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 58(5), pp1176-1179, May 2016.

  • Xiaofeng Jiang,  Hongsheng Xi, Xiaodong Wang and Falin Liu, “Finding Optimal Observation-Based Policies for Constrained POMDPs Under the Expected Average Reward Criterion, ” IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 61(10), pp3070-3075, Oct. 2016

  • Chongbin Zhou, Zhida Zhang, Falin Liu, Bo Li, “Gridless Compressive Sensing Method for Line Spectral Estimation from 1-Bit Measurements, ” Digital Signal Processing, 60(2017), pp152-162, Jan. 2017

  • 胡静秋,刘发林,周崇彬,李博,王东进,“A New CS-SAR Imaging Method Based on Inverse Omega-K Algorithm, ” 《雷达学报》,6卷1期,pp25-33,2017年2月。

  • Hao yu Wang, Gang Li, Chongbin Zhou, Wei Tao, Falin Liu, and Anding Zhu, “1-bit Observation for Direct-Learning-Based Digital Predistortion of RF Power Amplifiers, IEEE Trans. on Microw. Theory Technol., 65(7), pp2465-2475, Jul. 2017.

  • Sheng Zhang, Hai-Ting Wang, Yi-Kang Zhang, Hai Liu, Fa-Lin Liu, Miniaturized bandpass filter using quarter SIW resonator with elliptic defected structure, Microwave Journal, 60(3), pp74-80, Mar. 2017

  • Bo Li, Falin Liu, Chongbin Zhou, Yuanhao Lv and Jingqiu Hu, “Phase Error Correction for Approximated Observation-Based Compressed Sensing Radar Imaging, ” Sensors, 2017, 17, 613, Mar. 2107.

  • Sheng Zhang, Jia-Yu Rao, Jun-Jie Cheng, Xue-Dong Fu, Fa-Lin Liu, and Jia-Sheng Hong, “Novel compact single-band and dual-band bandpass filter based on one-third-mode substrate integrated waveguide, ” IEICE Electronics Express, 14(19), 20170832, Oct. 2017

  • Yikang Zhang, Haoyu Wang, Gang Li, Falin Liu, “One-bit in-phase observation for direct learning-based digital predistortion with modified frequency-domain delay estimation and alignment, ” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2017; e21149, Nov. 2017

  • Xiaofeng Jiang,  Xiaodong Wang, Hongsheng Xi, and Falin Liu, “Centralized Optimization for Dec-POMDPs Under the Expected Average Reward Criterion, ” IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 62(11), pp6032-6038, Nov. 2017

  • Sheng Zhang, Jia-Yu Rao, Jia-Sheng Hong, Fa-Lin Liu, “A Novel Dual-Band Controllable Bandpass Filter Based on Fan-Shaped Substrate Integrated Waveguide, ” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 28(4), pp308-310, Apr 2018

  • Bo Li, Falin Liu, Chongbin Zhou, Zheng Wang, Hao Han, “Mixed sparse representation for approximated observation-based compressed sensing radar imaging,” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 12(3), 035015 (2018)  Sep 2018.

  • Hongmin Li, Gang Li, Yikang Zhang, Wen Qiao, Falin Liu, “Forward Modeling Assisted Digital Predistortion Method for Hybrid Beamforming Transmitters with a Single PA Feedback, ” 2018 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, pp179-182,  Chengdu, China, Oct. 2018.

  • Yikang Zhang; Gang Li; Hongmin Li; Wen Qiao; Falin Liu, “In-Phase or Quadrature Observation for Indirect Learning Architecture Digital Predistortion Method Based on Forward Modeling,” 2018 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference(APMC), TH3-IF-2, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 2018.

  • 韩浩,刘发林,李博,王峥,“基于时变阈值的单比特压缩感知SAR成像,”《微波学报》,35卷1期,pp49-54,2019年2月。

  • Sheng Zhang, Jun-Jie, Cheng,Ya Guo, Hai Liu, Fa-Lin Liu, A method for single-band and multiband filters design based on right trapezoid half-mode substrate integrated waveguide, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 61(4), pp963-967, Apr. 2019.

  • Zuxue Xia, Falin Liu, Xianfa Tang, Xin Cao and Qiangming Cai, A compact FSS with dual passbands and wide stopband, IEICE Electronics Express, 16(7), 20190067, Apr. 2019.

  • Yikang Zhang, Yue Li, Falin Liu and Anding Zhu, Vector Decomposition Based Time-Delay Neural Network Behavioral Model for Digital Predistortion of RF Power Amplifiers, IEEE Access. 7(1), pp91559-91568, Jul. 2019.